NodeBuilder Errors Guide 3-3
LCL# Description
The encoded value for the device's clock input of <id> is
not within the supported range of <min> to <max>
An invalid encoded clock value has been used to describe the
hardware clock speed. See LCL#2.
The encoded value for the channel's minimum clock rate
of <id> is not within the supported range of <min> to
<max> [LCL#8]
An invalid encoded clock value has been specified for the
channel's minimum clock speed. This value originates from the
standard transceiver database, and the presence of this
problem indicates a corrupted or incorrect database record.
Make sure your standard transceiver database (stdxcvr.xml)
has not been corrupted. An update might be available at the
www.lonmark.org website. Contact LonSupport if problem
Unable to compute media access control values (raw
transceiver data): the specified Neuron clock frequency is
too high for the transceiver [LCL#9]
This error condition is unavoidable for some combinations of
(typically) high Neuron clock rates and (typically) slow
channels. A different operating mode of the same transceiver or
a lower Neuron clock rate might solve the problem.