NodeBuilder Errors Guide 5-61
NCC# Description
The fblock’s FPT attempts to inherit from a standard FPT, but
no standard FPT was found with a matching key [NCC#483]
A user-level FPT may indicate (in the L
ONMARK Device Resource
File that contains it) that it inherits members and properties from a
standard FPT. The inheritance is by key, a 16-bit value associated
with each FPT. Standard FPTs have key values from 0-19999, and
user FPTs that inherit from standard FPTs must have matching
keys. User FPTs that do not inherit should have keys 20000 and
above. This message either indicates a problem with the key used for
FPT inheritance, or it indicates that the standard FPT is missing.
Perhaps the standard file is out of date. The latest standard
ONMARK Device Resource Files can be downloaded from the
The FPT used in the fblock inherits from an obsolete FPT
The L
ONMARK Device Resource Files permit FPT, NVT, and CPT
definitions to be marked as obsolete. This means that a replacement
FPT, NVT, or CPT is available, and the use of the obsolete item is
discouraged (though it is permitted). In this case, the user FPT is
inheriting from a standard FPT that has been marked as obsolete by
the LONMARK Association. Contact the LONMARK Interoperability
Association for more information on the obsolete FPT, NVT, or CPT.
Cannot inherit type for property from principal NV because
principal NV of FPT is unimplemented [NCC#485]
A configuration property that uses type inheritance from a network
variable can also inherit from a functional block. In this latter case,
the FPT must designate one of its network variables as the principal
network variable. The principal network variable designation is
solely for the purposes of type inheritance. In the case of FPT
inheritance, if the user FPT overrides the standard FPT's principal
network variable, but does not designate one of its own, this leaves
the principal NV as unimplemented. Then, a configuration property
for that functional block, using type inheritance, has nothing to
inherit from.
The fblock uses an FPT that has advanced features and
requires LNS versions 3.2 or later [NCC#486]
FPT inheritance, and FPT records whose members' numbers do not
match the member indices, are not fully supported in LNS prior to
LNS version 3.2.
NV ‘<nv-name>’ is not an fblock member, and is not a ‘cp’, so
the ‘changeable_type’ keyword is ignored [NCC#488]
The only support for changeable-type network variables is through
the LONMARK information for the variables. The only network
variables with L
ONMARK information are members of functional
blocks and configuration property network variables. Put the
network variable in a functional block's member list, or declare it as
a configuration property network variable of the device.