HE/001132 Page 74 of 92
Document No. 001132, Revision 2.0
Agfa HealthCare NodeID Livelink : 14140190 14 June, 2007
Attribute Name Tag VR Value
Presence of
> Code Sequence
> Patient’s Primary Language
Code Modifier Sequence
(0010, 0102) SQ ANAP MWL
>> Code Sequence
Patient's Size
(0010, 1020) DS ANAP User / MWL
Patient's Weight
(0010, 1030) DS ANAP User / MWL
Patient’s Address
(0010, 1040) LO ANAP MWL
Military Rank
(0010, 1080) LO ANAP User / MWL
Branch of Service
(0010, 1081) LO ANAP User / MWL
Country of Residence
(0010, 2150) LO ANAP MWL
Region of Residence
(0010, 2152) LO ANAP MWL
Patient’s Telephone Numbers
(0010, 2154) SH ANAP MWL
Ethnic Group (0010,2160) SH ANAP User / MWL
Patient's Religious Preference
(0010, 21F0) LO ANAP MWL
Patient Comments
(0010,4000) LT ANAP User / MWL
Visit Status
Referenced Patient Sequence
(0008, 1120) SQ ANAP MWL
>Referenced SOP Class UID
(0008, 1150) UI ANAP MWL
>Referenced SOP Instance
(0008, 1155) UI ANAP MWL
Visit Status ID
(0038, 0008) CS ANAP MWL
Current Patient Location
(0038, 0300) LO ANAP MWL
Patient’s Institution Residence
(0038, 0400) LO ANAP MWL
Visit Comments
(0038, 4000) LT ANAP Auto
Patient Medical
Medical Alerts
(0010, 2000) LO ANAP MWL
Contrast Allergies
(0010, 2110) LO ANAP MWL
Smoking Status
(0010, 21A0) CS ANAP User / MWL
Pregnancy Status
(0010, 21C0) US ANAP User / MWL
Last Menstrual Date
(0010, 21D0) DA ANAP User / MWL
Special Needs
(0038, 0050) LO ANAP MWL
Patient State
(0038, 0500) LO ANAP MWL
Additional Patient’s History
(0010, 21B0) LT ANAP MWL
General Study
Study Instance UID (0020, 000D) UI ALWAYS MWL / Auto
Study Date (0008, 0020) DA ALWAYS Auto
Study Time (0008, 0030) TM ALWAYS Auto
Referring Physician's Name (0008, 0090) PN VNAP User / MWL
Referring Physician Identification
Sequence (0008, 0096) SQ ANAP MWL
Study ID (0020, 0010) SH
Procedure ID or
generated for
unscheduled (app A
IHE note 5) ALWAYS Auto / MWL
Accession Number (0008, 0050) SH VNAP User / MWL
Study Description (0008, 1030) LO
Procedure step