
The following table lists the valid subcategories for a specific main category. These character tables were
generated using the file UnicodeData-3.1.0.txt found on the Unicode Consortium Web site ht-
Table 11.18. Unicode SubCategories for Regular Expressions
Subcategory Description
Lu Letter, Uppercase
Ll Letter, Lowercase
Lt Letter, Titlecase
Lo Letter, Other
Mn Mark, Non-Spacing
Mc Mark, Spacing Combining
Me Mark, Enclosing
Nd Number, Decimal Digit
Nl Number, Letter
No Number, Other
Pc Punctuation, Connector
Pd Punctuation, Dash
Ps Punctuation, Open
Pe Punctuation, Close
Pi Punctuation, Initial quote (may behave like Ps or Pe
depending on usage)
Pf Punctuation, Final quote (may behave like Ps or Pe
depending on usage)
Po Punctuation, Other
Sm Symbol, Math
Unicode Category Specifications
for Regular Expressions