Most bookmark options are located on the Search Tab of the General Options dialog (click Window →
Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting). See
Search Tab for a listing of the available options.
Another option is available by setting a macro variable. SlickEdit® Core can push a bookmark whenever
you jump to the top or bottom of the buffer (Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End, or top_of_buffer/bottom_of_buffer
commands, respectively). This is convenient, for example, in C++: if you jump to the top of the buffer to
add a #include statement, a bookmark is pushed, so you can use Ctrl+Comma (pop_bookmark com-
mand) to get back to your previous position. To use this option, click Macro → Set Macro Variable, and
in the Variable combo box, select or type def_top_bottom_push_bookmark, then click OK. To turn off
this option off, unset the variable by changing the Value to 0.
Setting Breakpoints