mand Exclude
ISPF Insert Lines
I [n]
Insert one or more blank data entry lines.
See Also
ispf_enter, ISPF Line Command TE
ISPF Lowercase Lines LC, LCC and LCLC for blocks
• LC [n] - Lowercase n lines starting with the line with the command.
• LCC - Lowercase a block of lines, must match another LCC or LCLC.
• LCLC - Lowercase a block of lines, must match another LCC or LCLC.
Converts all uppercase letter alphabetic characters in one or more lines to lowercase. This command only
operates on text within the edit boundary columns. There are two forms to this command. The first form
(LC [n]) specifies that the line and the subsequent n-1 lines are to be converted. The second (block)
form (LCLC or LCC) is placed on the first and last lines of the block to be converted.
See Also
ispf_caps, ISPF Line Command Uppercase, lowcase, upcase
ISPF Expose Last Lines L and LL
• L [n] - Unexclude (expose) the last n lines of an excluded block.
• LL - Unexclude (expose) an entire excluded block (identical to FF).
Expose one or more lines at the end of a block of excluded lines. The LL line command exposes the en-
tire block of lines and is to L[m] where m is the number of lines in the block of excluded lines.
See Also
ispf_exclude, ispf_reset, ISPF Line Command First, ISPF Line Command Show, ISPF Line Com-
ISPF Line Commands