Configuration Variable Description
def_filelist_show_dotfiles Controls the global Show hidden files option on
the General Tab of the General Options dialog. On
Windows, the default value of this variable is 1;
change to 0 to view Dot files. On UNIX platforms,
the default value is 0; change to 1 to hide Dot files.
(Dot files are files with names beginning with a dot
def_from_cursor Default is 0. If non-zero, the commands up-
case_word, lowcase_word, and cap_word will
start case change from the cursor position instead
of the beginning of the current word.
def_linewrap Default is set to 1. If you are at the end of a line that
has whitespace only on the line below it (spaces or
tabs) and you press Delete, this will bring the
whitespace below it up to the end of the line that
you are on. When the value is set to 0, if you press
Delete while at the end of a line that has
whitespace only on the line below it (spaces or
tabs), the whitespace is removed entirely–acting as
a line delete.
def_linux1_shell To use an alternate shell, set this variable to the
shell that you want to run (for example, /bin/bash
-i). This will cause the editor to use your process
def_max_filehist Increases the number of files displayed in the file
history of the File menu. Enter the number of files
you want to see in the history.
def_max_mffind_output This variable is set for performance reasons. You
can increase the amount of information displayed in
the SlickEdit Core Output view during a multi-file
search by changing this to your desired setting.
def_max_workspace_hist Increases the length of the Workspace history list in
the Project menu. Enter the number of files you
want to see in the history.
def_modal_paste Default is 0. If non-zero, commands that insert a
BLOCK-type clipboard will overwrite the destination
text if the cursor is in Replace mode.
Table of Configuration Variables