Doxygen Format
To use a Doxygen comment format, select the start characters /*! or //! (based on your preference) and
the \param style. Using the following code sample:
int setDimensions(int length, int width, int height) {
Pressing Enter at the "cursor here" location results in the following automatic completion:
* \param length
* \param width
* \param height
* \return int
int setDimensions(int length, int width, int height) {
String Editing
When the cursor is inside of a string, if you press Enter to split the line, SlickEdit® Core can automatically
align the string with the original string as well as insert the closing and opening quotes and, if necessary,
operators. To set this option, click Format → Comment Setup (comment_setup command). The Exten-
sion Options dialog is displayed, open to the Comments Tab. Select the extension you wish to affect from
the Extension drop-down list, then select Split strings on Enter.
Comment Wrapping
Comments can be set to automatically wrap to the next line as you type. This feature is available for C,
C++, C#, Java, and Slick-C® files.
To activate comment wrapping, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit
and click General, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. Select the extension you want to
affect from the Extension drop-down list, then select the Comment Wrap tab. Check the option Enable
comment wrap, then select the type of comments you want wrapped (block comments, line comments,
and/or doc comments).
The Comment Wrap tab also provides options to control how comments are wrapped. There are three
String Editing