To use the command line for sorting, first activate the command line by pressing Esc. Sort command syn-
tax is in the form SortCommandOptionLetter(s). The following sort commands are available:
• sort_buffer - Sorts the current buffer.
• sort_within_selection - Sorts text within a selected area. This command supports line and block se-
lections only.
• sort_on_selection - To sort on a column field, press Ctrl+B to select an area of text, then invoke the
command sort_on_selection. This command supports line and block selections only.
The table below describes the OptionLetter(s) that you can use with each command.
Table 6.6. Sorting Options
Option Description
A Sort in ascending order.
D Sort in descending order.
I Case insensitive sort (ignore case).
E Case sensitive sort (exact case which is the de-
-N Numeric sort. C-style floating point numbers with up
to 32-digit mantissa are supported.
-F File name sort.
Inserting Literal Characters
Characters can be inserted at the cursor location in the current buffer. This is useful if you wish to insert
non-ASCII characters (keys not on the keyboard). To insert a literal character, from the main menu, click
Edit → Insert Literal, or use the insert_literal command. The Insert Literal dialog is displayed.
The text box to the right of the Character Code label displays the character. The spin box displays the
decimal character code, hex character code, or ASCII character depending on which of those options is
Inserting Literal Characters