C and C++
This section describes some of the advanced features and options that are available in SlickEdit® Core
for C and C++, including extension-specific formatting options, the C/C++ Beautifier, compiler settings,
and preprocessing.
The default editing mode in SlickEdit Core for C and C++ allows for programming in either language. If
you are coding to strict ANSI C standards, you should configure the value of the macro variable
def_ansic_exts to contain a space-delimited list of extensions for files you want interpreted as ANSI C.
To set the macro variable, press Esc to bring up the SlickEdit Core command line, then type set-var
def_ansic_exts "<extensions>", where <extensions> is the space-delimited list of extensions.
For example:
set-var def_ansic_exts "c h"
Please note that if you also code in C++ and any of these extensions are used for C++, they will be inter-
preted as ANSI C.
C/C++ Formatting Options
Options are available for C and C++ language file extensions for changing smart indenting and styles for
template editing. To access these options, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. Make sure
the C/C++ language extension you want to work with is selected in the Extension drop-down list, then
click the Options button. The Formatting Options dialog specific to the file extension you have selected is
Languages similar to C/C++ have similar Formatting Options dialogs which are not specifically
The tabs on the C/C++ Formatting Options dialog are described below.
Begin-End Style Tab
Figure 7.3. C/C++ Formatting Options: Begin-end style Tab
C/C++ Formatting Options