• +, *, ?, {}, +?, *?, ??, {}? (These operators have the same precedence.)
• concatenation
• |
UNIX Regular Expression Examples
The table below shows examples of UNIX regular expressions.
Table 11.13. UNIX Regular Expression Examples
Sample UNIX Expression Description
^defproc Matches lines that begin with the word defproc.
^definit$ Matches lines that only contain the word definit.
^\*name Matches lines that begin with the string *name. No-
tice that the backslash must prefix the special char-
acter *.
[\t ] Matches tab and space characters.
[\d9\d32] Matches tab and space characters.
[\x9\x20] Matches tab and space characters.
p.t Matches any three letter string starting with the let-
ter p and ending with the letter t. Two possible
matches are pot and pat.
s.*?t Matches the letter s followed by any number of
characters followed by the nearest letter t. Two pos-
sible matches are seat and st.
for|while Matches the strings for or while.
^\:p Matches lines beginning with a file name.
xy+z Matches x followed by one or more occurrences of
y followed by z.
[a-z-[qw]] Character set subtraction. Matches all English
lowercase letters except q and w.
[\p{isGreek}&[\p{L}]] Character set intersection. Matches all Unicode let-
UNIX Regular Expressions