
Command Key Sequence or Menu Item Description
change the line insert style. To
access the line insert style, click
Window Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the
tree, then double-click the Gener-
al setting. On the General Options
dialog, select the More Tab.
mou_move_to_cursor Ctrl+R Moves the selected text to the
mou_copy_to_cursor Ctrl+Shift+R Copies the selected text to the
mou_click L Left click Drags and moves the selected
text. You must click within the se-
lected text, and keep the left but-
ton down while moving the mouse
to a new location.
list_clipboards Ctrl+Shift+V Allows you to select a clipboard
from a list of the most recently
used (15 is the default maximum)
clipboards to insert at the cursor.
copy_to_clipboard Ctrl+C Copies selected text to the clip-
append_to_clipboard Ctrl+Shift+C Appends selected text to the clip-
append_cut Ctrl+Shift+X Deletes the selected text and ap-
pends it to the clipboard.
copy_to_cursor None Copies selected text to the cursor.
Line selections are inserted after
the current line by default. If you
want line selections inserted be-
fore the current line, change the
line insert style. You can change
the line insert style: Click Window
Preferences, expand SlickEd-
it and click General in the tree,
then double-click the General set-
ting. On the General Options dia-