1. Create a new folder under the user templates directory. For example, if you wanted to create a Dialogs
category for Java project items, you would create the following directory:
2. Place all templates for the category under this directory.
3. Create a new project or open an existing one.
4. From the main menu click File → New Item from SlickEdit Template.
5. Verify that your new category appears in the Categories list on the Add New Item dialog box.
We do not recommend creating new categories or re-organizing categories under installed tem-
plates since the next patch or upgrade would overwrite any customizations you have made. If you
want to customize an installed template, then we suggest you copy it to the user templates direct-
ory and perform your customization on the copy.
Template Manager Operations
Use the Template Manager dialog to add, edit, and delete templates. You can show this dialog by clicking
File → SlickEdit Template Manager. Use the Categories list to select a category. Selecting a category
populates the Templates list with templates for that category.
Creating a New Category
To create a new category under the selected category, right-click in the Categories tree and select New
Category. You will be prompted for a category name. After clicking OK, you can add templates in the
new category.
Creating a New Template
To create a new template, select the category in which to create the template, then right-click in the Tem-
plates list and select New Template. You will be prompted for a template name which is used to create
the new template file. After clicking OK, you can edit the new template the lower half of the dialog.
Editing an Existing Template
To edit an existing template, select a template from the Templates list, and edit its properties in the lower
half of the dialog.
Deleting a Template
To delete a template, select the template you want to delete from the Templates list, right-click and select
Delete Template from the context menu.
Template Manager Operations