• Search by key sequence - This filter is used for searching bindings in the Key Sequence column. It
captures literal keyboard input. For example, when the focus is in this filter, press Ctrl and C at the
same time, and "Ctrl+C" is displayed. Press the Backspace key and "Backspace" is displayed. Mouse
events inside the filter are literal as well. For example, right-clicking within the filter displays the text
"RButtonDn". Because the key sequence filter captures literal keyboard input, you cannot edit the text
or use key functions such as backspacing or tabbing in and out of the field. You must use the red X but-
ton to clear the filter.
• Command - This column lists, in alphabetical order by default, the SlickEdit® Core commands and user
macros that are or can be bound to keys or mouse events. Click on the column label to sort bindings by
this column. An arrow in the column header indicates the sort order (ascending or descending).
If a command/macro has more than one binding, each instance is listed on a separate row. For ex-
ample, in CUA emulation, the command gui_open is bound to F7 and Ctrl+O. Therefore, gui_open
appears in the Command column three times, once for each binding.
• Key Sequence - This column shows the mouse event or key sequence associated with the command
or macro. If a Key Sequence cell is empty, no binding is associated with that command/macro. Click
on the column label to sort bindings by this column. An arrow in the column header indicates the sort
order (ascending or descending).
• Mode - This column shows the language editing mode to which the key binding applies. The default
mode causes the binding to work in all language editing modes. However, the default mode will be
overridden by any language-specific mode binding to another command/macro. Click on the column la-
bel to sort bindings by this column. An arrow in the column header indicates the sort order (ascending
or descending).
To change the mode for a command/macro that is already bound, first you should unbind the
command/macro, then recreate the binding with the mode you want to use. See Editing Bindings
for more information. For information about editing modes, see Language Editing Modes.
• Recorded - This column indicates if the item in the Command column is a SlickEdit Core command
(No) or a user-recorded macro (Yes).
• Documentation pane - The bottom pane of the dialog displays the code documentation for the selec-
ted command or macro, if it exists. Click "See Also" hyperlinks (if any exist) to display Help for that item.
For See Also links, if a Help entry does not exist, a message box notification is displayed. The docu-
mentation pane can be resized by dragging the size bar in the middle of the dialog. The size is re-
membered the next time the dialog is displayed.
• Import and Export - These buttons allow you to import and export bindings. This is useful for creating
backups, sharing with other team members, or taking with you should you switch computers. See Ex-
porting and Importing Bindings for details of these features.
• Save Chart - This button allows you to save a reference chart of all current bindings for all language
editing modes in the selected emulation. The chart is saved in HTML format with a name and location
that you specify. Commands/macros that are not bound are not included.
Key Bindings Dialog