UNIX Regular Expression Definition
X{n1,}? Minimal match of at least n1 occurrences of X.
X{,n2}? Minimal match of at least zero occurrences but not
more than n2 occurrences of X.
X{n1,n2}? Minimal match of at least n1 occurrences but not
more than n2 occurrences of X.
(?!X) Search fails if expression X is matched. The ex-
pression ^(?!if) matches the beginning of all lines
that do not start with if.
(X) Matches sub-expression X and specifies a new
tagged expression (see Using Tagged Search Ex-
pressions). No more tagged expressions are
defined once an explicit tagged expression number
is specified as shown below.
(?dX) Matches sub-expression X and specifies to use
tagged expression number d where 0<=d<=9. No
more tagged expressions are defined by the sub-
expression syntax (X) once this sub-expression
syntax is used. This is the best way to make sure
you have enough tagged expressions.
(?:X) Matches sub-expression X but does not define a
tagged expression.
X|Y Matches X or Y.
[char-set] Matches any one of the characters specified by
char-set. A dash (-) character may be used to
specify ranges. The expression [A-Z] matches any
uppercase letter. A backslash (\) may be used in-
side the square brackets to define literal characters
or define ASCII characters. For example, \- spe-
cifies a literal dash character. The expression
[\d0-\d27] matches ASCII character codes 0..27.
The expression []] matches a right bracket. In
SlickEdit® regular expressions, [] matches no char-
acters. In both syntaxes, the expression [\]]
matches a right bracket. The expression [^]
matches a caret (^) character but this does not work
for SlickEdit regular expressions. In both syntaxes,
[\^] matches a caret (^) character.
UNIX Regular Expressions