
Right-click in this tree to display/modify the symbol filters. Items in the tree can be expanded to view uses
recursively. Double-click or press the spacebar on an item in the tree list to go to an item. Double-click
and Space are the same except when the item is a prototype that has a corresponding code section.
Double-clicking will then go to the prototype’s corresponding code section.
If the focus is in the Symbol Uses/Calling Tree dialog, the selected item will be shown in the Preview
View, just as it is in the Symbols View.
Viewing Base and Derived Classes
To see what classes are inherited by a particular class, right-click on the class in the Symbols view and
select Base Classes. To see what classes are derived from a particular class, right-click on the class in
the Symbols view and select Derived Classes. Both dialogs have the same interface.
Figure 6.8. Base Classes Dialog
Symbols View