Making calls as usual
Establishing several connections
Forwarding a second caller
If you receive a call during an existing call
, e.g. from 06975058:
Scroll to the Call from 06975058 menu item.
Confirm your selection. You are connected to the additional caller. The first cal-
ler is now on hold and cannot hear your other conversation.
Now you want to forward the additional caller, e.g. to call number 1234:
Press the "Refer-back" function key.
Enter the number of the extension you want to connect the caller to,
in this example 1234. You can now announce the cal
ler. The first party is put on hold.
Scroll to the Transfer call to 06975058 menu item.
Confirm your selection. You will now be able to talk to the first party again.
Conference - connecting a subscriber to a call
During a call:
Scroll to the C
onference with ...menu item.
Confirm your selection.
. Enter number of second conference participant. You can immediately hold
a three-party conference once you are connected with the subscriber.
• Any participant can switch out of the conference. Replace the handset.
• If the third subscriber you are calling does not answer:
• Select the Cancel menu item and confirm to switch back to the first partici-
pant or
• press the Escape key to call another number or
• select the Re
turn to Subs ... menu item to return to the first participant.