The recirculating water system is a self-contained unit. The system purifies waste water
from the working chamber and recirculates it back to the cabinet inlet, removing the
need for a continuous supply of distilled water. It consists of a reservoir tank, water,
pump, deioniser cartridge and a purity indicator. Waste water is piped to the reservoir
tank, then pumped through a deioniser cartridge and back to the cabinet inlet The purify
of the water in the system is indicated by either a conductivity meter or a colour change
indicator window on the deioniser cartridge.
1) Place the recirculating water system below cabinet level (preferably beneath) to
enable the water waste to drain back to the reservoir.
2) Connect the recirculating water unit inlet to the cabinet drain; then connect the
recirculating water unit outlet to the cabinet water supply inlet Suitable lengths of plastic
tubing are provided. There must be a CONTINUOUS fall from the cabinet to the system
inlet - otherwise the cabinet will flood due to air locks in the pipe.
3) Remove the white filler cap and fill the reservoir with DISTILLED water. Use
distilled water because distillation kills algae spores.
4) Connect the mains lead to a 220/240 volt, 50Hz, single phase minimum 5A supply.
Switch on the mains power to operate the recirculating water system. To cease operation
switch off the mains power.
If the level of water in the reservoir falls to the minimum mark, top-up with distilled
For units with the water purity indicated by a conductivity meter, calibrate the meter by
pressing and holding in the button (left of the meter) and turning the knob (right of the
meter) to adjust the meter to read infinity. A satisfactory reading for water conductivity
is below 10 micro mho/cm. Above this level the deioniser cartridge requires
For units indicating water purity by a colour change indicator do not require calibration.
A satisfactory water conductivity of below 10 micro Seimens/cm is indicated by a dark
blue colour. The deioniser cartridge requires replacement if the indicator window colour
changes to light brown.
The anticipated life of the deionisers in both systems is at least 6 months when used with
distilled water and in clean' test conditions.
It is recommended that the water in the system is changed monthly, or after a test if
longer, with distilled water. If the system is contaminated with inorganic products or
substances likely to promote algal or bacterial growth, the water should be changed every
14 days. If contaminated with organic products change the water after every test.