Two small black plastic pipes are also fitted to the right hand side or rear of the cabinet.
These are overflows from the wick reservoir and vpg humidification system self
levelling header tanks. If a float valve develops a fault, the respective overflow will
operate preventing flooding of the instrument compartment
Connect the distilled water supply to inlet connector situated on the right side or at the
rear of the cabinet. Maximum allowable head is 1500mm (5ft) above the inlet.
It is safe for a container to stand on top of the cabinet, but ideally any reservoir should
have its own support to one side of the cabinet.
If the cabinet is supplied with a water re-circulating system, fill the reservoir as instructed
and connect the water connections to the cabinet water inlet and drain as shown..
(See Section 6.2.4 wet wicks)
Wet bulb sensor(s) must be fitted with wet wick(s).
Anchor the wick in the water reservoir and then push it over the sensor. The wick should
be taut but not stretched. The sensor must be completely covered. If any part of the
sensor is uncovered or protrudes through the weave then accuracy will be impaired.
Keep wick material clean. Contamination affects absorbency and hence RH control.
A safety thermostat should be fitted to all equipment being powered inside the cabinet.
The thermostat should switch off equipment power if the air temperature in the cabinet
rises above safety level.
The thermostat will protect both the equipment and the cabinet against damage in the
event of failure or shut down of the cabinet's temperature control system. Equipment
dissipating only a few hundred watts inside the well insulated cabinet, with no cooling,
will heat sufficiently to cause severe damage.
Advice on suitable thermostats is available from our Technical Department.
SANYO GALLENKAMP will not be held responsible for any damage to either
equipment or cabinet, during or after the cabinet guarantee period, caused by heat
dissipation from unprotected equipment.
If the cabinet is fitted with a glass inner door and the load being tested in the cabinet is
liable to dissipate excessive heat, the glass inner door must be protected from absorbing
this heat by radiation effect. Failure to protect the inner door could result in the glass