X2! = On-screen menu time-out or screen saver sync timeout, (default = 60 seconds)/output sync
time-out (default = 501 - never)
0 = OSD never displayed or output sync is instantly disabled with no active input
1 to 500 = 1 second increments
501 = OSD never times out, output sync is never times out
X2@ = Executive mode status:
0 = Off or disable, (default)
1 = Exec Mode 1 — Complete front panel lockout
2 = Exec Mode 2 — Partial front panel lockout (only input selection available)
X2# = Overscan (applied to SMPTE [NTSC, PAL, SECAM, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p]
input rates):
0 = 0.0% (default for RGB, HDMI) — a “true” Auto-Image will be executed on SMPTE inputs.
1 = 2.5% (default for YUV, composite) — an Auto-Image command snaps to a 2.5% table;
no true Auto-Image.
2 = 5.0% an Auto-Image command snaps to a 5.0% table; no true Auto-Image.
X2$ = Aspect ratio:
1 = Fill: each input rate will automatically fill the entire output raster (default)
2 = Follow: each input rate will be displayed with its native aspect ratio
X2% = Screen saver mode:
1 = Black screen (default)
2 = Blue output
X2^ = Video mute;
0 = Off or disable
1 = On or enable (mute to black)
2 = mute all output sync and video
X2& = Auto-Image threshold value, 0 (black) though 100 (white), default = 25
X2* = HDCP status (valid only on TMDS inputs or outputs):
0 = No sink or source detected
1 = Sink or source detected with HDCP
2 = Sink or source detected but no HDCP is present
X2( = Video switching effect:
0 = Cut (audio ramps-down and ramps-up between inputs)
1 = Fade thought black (default) (audio ramps-down and ramps-up between inputs)
X3! = HDMI output format:
0 = Auto (default), based on sink EDID
1 = DVI
2 = HDMI RGB “Full”
3 = HDMI RGB “Limited”
4 = HDMI 444 YUV “Full”
5 = HDMI 444 YUV “Limited”
6 = HDMI 422 YUV “Full”
7 = HDMI 422 YUV “Limited”
X3@ = Auto switch mode:
0 = Disable (default)
1 = Gives priority to the highest input (3 then 2 then 1)
2 = Gives priority to the lowest input (1 then 2 then 3)
X3# = Audio gain and attenuation: -18 through + 12 dB, (with leading “+” or “–“)
DSC 301 HD • SIS Communication and Control 24