Instruction Manual
September 2001
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Operation 3-15
Model NGA 2000 TO2
Figure 3-16. Calibration – Gas Scale Factor
Move the cursor to the “Calibration…” line
and press the ↵ key. The “Calibration” menu
will display as shown below.
Move the cursor to the “Gas scale factor…”
line and press the ↵ key. The “Gas Scale
Factor 1/0” menu will display as shown on
the next page.
Enter the volumetric percentages of each
component present in the sample gas.
Move the cursor to the desired line and press
the ↵ key. Then press the ↑ and ↓ keys to
adjust the value and the ← and → keys to
select the digit. Press the ↵ key again to
save the value.
To view and adjust additional background
gas components, press the F5 key to display
the second menu.
After all the background gas concentrations
have been entered, move the cursor to the
“Compute new adjusted gas scale factor!”
command and press the ↵ key. The analyzer
will automatically calculate the new gas scale
factor and display the result.
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Anal
zer Module Setu
and Controls --
Measurement display configuration…
Concentration measurement…
Flow measurement…
Temperature measurement…
Measure Back…
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Calibration --
Gas scale factor…
Reset calibration!
Calibrate to span gas!
Span gas: 90.0 ppm
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Gas Scale Factor (1/2) --
Air background gas concentration: 0.0%
C2H4 background gas concentration: 0.0%
CO background gas concentration: 0.0%
CH4 background gas concentration: 0.0%
N2 background gas concentration: 100%
He background gas concentration: 0.0%
H2 background gas concentration: 0.0%
NH3 background gas concentration: 0.0%
C2H6 background gas concentration: 0.0%
C3H6 background gas concentration: 0.0%
TO2 37.50 ppm
-- Gas Scale Factor
C4H10 background gas concentration: 0.0%
C6H14 background gas concentration: 0.0%
Other background gas concentration: 0.0%
Other background gas factor: 100.0%
Compute new adjusted gas scale factor!
Adjusted gas scale factor: 1.00000
Scale factor computation result: OK
Main Menu
Analyzer and I/O, expert controls and setup…
Analyzer module controls… (Or Analyzer module setup…)