Emerson IM-106-4050 Oxygen Equipment User Manual

Instruction Manual
IM-106-4050 Original Issue
March 2006
OxyBalance Oxygen Display
and Averaging System
Average1 - Average4
The four Average tabs across the top of the Setup screen represent the four
output signals generated by the Oxybalance system. Each of these four tabs
displays all eight possible input signals, whether or not the probes are active,
and whether or not they have been selected to be part of the average for the
selected output chanel. In Figure 3-5 the information for Average2 is shown.
In Figure 3-5, this channel has been named "Duct B". This name can be
changed by pressing the name on the screen. Probes 2 thourgh 8 are active.
Probes 4, 5 and 6 have been selected to be included in this channel. Pressing
on any of the active probes will toggle the probe between being included and
not included in this channel average. Once a probe is assigned to the
displayed average group, the background for that probe is shown in green.
Two to eight probes can be assigned to any of the average groups, in any
Figure 3-5. Average Setup