Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
1-50 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
-drop: The agreed packet is discarded.
Default: -forward
Range of value: None
This parameter enables the function of policy routing. Packets are transmitted to
the output destination specified using this option when relaying the packets that
coincide with filter conditions. For the list information that sets policy routing,
specify in (Inbound) and then specify it as the flow control on the receive side.
<Interface Name>:
using ip information) (refer toTable 1-34).
Specifies the next hop IPv6 address.
Default: -forward
Range of value: <IP Address>: Set the IPv6 address described below.
IPv6 address
Designate the connection branching index numbers (indexes designated by the
DLCI group information or the Vc-Group information). When relaying a packet
that agrees with the flow detecting condition, DLCI/VC designated in the group is
selected and transmitted. Designate "out" (Outbound) for the list information that
has set the connection branching index number, as the flow control of the
transmission side. It cannot be set in the tunnel interface.
Default: -forward
Range of value: 0 to 7.
Table 1-34 List of Interfaces that Support Flow Control
Interface Name Availability of Support
<Line Name> √
RmEthernet ---
<DLCI Name>
<VC Name> √
<Group Name> √
<Timeslot Name> √
<Peer Name> √
<Tunnel Name> ---
<VLAN Name> ---(1*)
<Session Name> --- (1*)
: Setting possible.
-: Setting impossible
*1: VLAN line and PPOoE session are not supported.