Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
1-224 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
1. -pepid and -primary cannot be deleted by specifying a parameter.
2. Before setting this command, set the flow entry reservation for cops using a flow
cops_range command and then set qos cops.Ifnot,thiscommandcannotbeset.
3. Set IP information to an interface. The interface information of this router is not
displayed in a policy server even if cops is activated using this command with the
IP information not set.
4. The information set in a policy server is deleted from this router when no is
specified in COPS configuration definition or when COPS configuration definition
is deleted.
5. flow cops_range (flow information for cops) cannot be changed when yes is
specified in COPS configuration definition. Specify no in COPS configuration
definition and then change flow cops_range.
6. flow cops_range cannot be deleted or qos cops cannot be changed and deleted
when COPS configuration definition exists. Delete COPS configuration definition
and then delete flow cops_range or change and delete qos cops.
7. If the parameter in this command has been changed while using COPS,
re-connect with the policy server, and re-set the information set from this device’s
policy server.
8. The information set from the policy server in the changed interface is re-specified
when qos-discard-mode (QoS discard mode) is changed while a COPS command
is being used.
9. Adjust them to the setting of a policy server when setting -pepid, -server_password,
and -cops_password parameters.
10. If setting and/or deletion of the policy has been made from the policy server to
this device in the RM duplication configuration, RP may re-actuate if the system
is altered.
11. It is not possible to delete the ip configuration defining information of the
interface that has set the information from the policy server while COPS is in use.
Delete the data from the policy server or deactivate the COPS configuration
definition, and then delete the ip configuration definition.
12. When the COPS configuration defining information is changed or deleted, the
statistical information of the show filter-flow and the show qos-ip-flow of all the
interfaces with which the flow configuration definition is set, are cleared to zero.
For the show-filter-flow and show qos ip-flow commands, refer to GR2000
Operations Commands, Vol. 2, show filter-flow and show qos ip-flow commands.
13. Confirm (using the ping command) that the communication route has been
established between this device and the policy server before introducing cops yes.