Filtering/QoS Information
GR2K-GA-0014 1-219
Ver. 07-02
Description: This parameter specifies the use and disuse of a cops
-no: Not used.
-yes: Used.
Default: -no
Range of value: None
Description: This parameter is an identification name in the primary server
or backup server of this router. It is recommended to specify
Default: This parameter cannot be omitted.
Range of value: A character string exceeding one character and not exceeding
14 characters is set using double quotation marks (“).
Alphanumeric characters and special characters can be
entered. However, a character string can be entered without
using double quotation marks (“) when no special character
(e.g., space) is contained in an entry character string.
However, notice that the characters below cannot be used.
“(double quotation mark), { (beginning of brace), } (end of
brace), ‘ (single quotation mark), ; (semicolon), $ (dollar), and ’
(reverse single quotation mark). For more information, see
Table 2-1, in GR2000 Configuration Commands, Vol. 1.
Table 1-102 Allowable Characters
Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code Char Code
Space 0x20 0 0x30 @ 0x40 P 0x50 --- --- p 0x70
! 0x21 1 0x31 A 0x41 Q 0x51 a 0x61 q 0x71
--- --- 2 0x32 B 0x42 R 0x52 b 0x62 r 0x72
# 0x23 3 0x33 C 0x43 S 0x53 c 0x63 s 0x73
--- --- 4 0x34 D 0x44 T 0x54 d 0x64 t 0x74
% 0x25 5 0x35 E 0x45 U 0x55 e 0x65 u 0x75
& 0x26 6 0x36 F 0x46 V 0x56 f 0x66 v 0x76
--- --- 7 0x37 G 0x47 W 0x57 g 0x67 w 0x77
( 0x28 8 0x38 H 0x48 X 0x58 h 0x68 x 0x78
) 0x29 9 0x39 I 0x49 Y 0x59 i 0x69 y 0x79
* 0x2A : 0x3A J 0x4A Z 0x5A j 0x6A z 0x7A
+ 0x2B --- --- K 0x4B [ 0x5B k 0x6B --- ---
--- --- < 0x3C L 0x4C \ 0x5C l 0x6C | 0x7C
- 0x2D = 0x3D M 0x4D ] 0x5D m 0x6D --- ---
. 0x2E > 0x3E N 0x4E ^ 0x5E n 0x6E ~ 0x7E
/ 0x2F ? 0x3F O 0x4F _ 0x5F o 0x6F --- ---