
Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
3-14 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
Description: Sets the falling threshold number of packets for RMON alarm
other than startup. This parameter corresponds to
alarmFallingThreshold of RFC1757.
Default: Undefined (but cannot be omitted for the first time)
Range of value: 1-4294967294
Description: Sets the index number for an RMON event-group entry falling
short of the falling threshold. Such index number must be
equal to the RMON event-group index number defined by the
event object. When no ID number has been defined, an alarm
is not issued. This parameter corresponds to
alarmFallingEventIndex of RFC1757.
Default: Undefined (but cannot be omitted for the first time)
Range of value: 1-65535
Description: Sets the identification information for the person who created
this setting. This parameter corresponds to alarmOwner of
Default: Blank
Range of value: A string of up to 24 alphanumeric and special characters
enclosed in double quotation marks. When the string contains
only alphanumeric characters and no special characters
except period, you can omit double quotation marks. See Table
2-1, in GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal CLI) Vol. 1
for allowable characters.
Create RMON Ethernet alarm-group entries and show the resulting alarm-group
entries in the following order:
1. Using the snmp object with the set subcommand omitted, create an SNMP
Manager entry with the following properties:
Community name: public
SNMP Manager IP address:
MIB access mode: read/write
Trap option: trap
2. Using the event object with the set subcommand omitted, create an event-group
entry with the following properties:
RMON Ethernet event-group index number: 3
Event type: log_trap
Trap community name: public
3. Using the alarm object with the set subcommand omitted, create an RMON
Ethernet alarm-group entry with the following properties for the above
event-group entry:
RMON Ethernet alarm-group index number: 12