
Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-65
Ver. 07-02
Can not delete upc or min_rate because
penalty_tos or penalty_dscp is defined.
The band setting cannot be deleted because the contract band
breaching tos rewriting value has been defined. Delete the contract
band breaching tos rewriting value, and then delete the band setting.
Can not delete upc or min_rate because
penalty_dscp is defined.
The band setting or minimum band guarantee cannot be deleted
because the contract band breaching dscp rewriting value has been
defined. Delete the contract band breaching dscp rewriting value,
and then delete the band setting or minimum band guarantee. The
band setting cannot be deleted because the contract band breaching
dscp rewriting value has been defined. Delete the contract band
breaching dscp rewriting value, and then delete the band setting.
Can not set disable. Disable cannot be set simultaneously as changing the action. To
change the disable, remove the specification of the action.
Can not set discard because replace_tos or
replace_dscp is already defined.
Queuing priority cannot be set because the tos or dscp rewriting
value has been defined. To set the queuing priority, delete the tos or
dscp rewriting value.
Can not set discard because tos_map or
dscp_map is already defined.
Queuing priority cannot be set because tos_map or dscp_map has
been defined. To set the queuing priority, delete tos_map or
Can not set dscp_map because
replace_user_priority is already defined.
It is not possible to set dscp_map because the VLAN priority rewrite
value is defined. Delete the VLAN priority rewrite value in order to
set dscp_map.
Can not set filter_list because flow
configuration is already defined.
The filter_list cannot be set because the flow filter has already been
set. To set the filter, it is necessary to delete the flow filter.
Can not set flow configuration for rmEternet. The flow interface cannot be set in the interface of rmEthernet. Set
other interface name.
Can not set flow filter action because
scan_extension is already defined.
An S/W search flag cannot be set simultaneously with parameters
other than forward or drop. {ROUTE-OS6}
Can not set icmp protocol. In specifying the high-order protocol, 1(icmp) cannot be specified.
Specify the "icmp" by using the packet flow detecting conditions.
Can not set icmp6 protocol. 58(imp6) cannot be specified in specifying the high-order protocols.
Specify "icmp6" under the packet flow detecting conditions.
Can not set igmp protocol. In specifying the high-order protocol, 2(igmp) cannot be specified.
Specify the "igmp" by using the packet flow detecting conditions.
Can not set index because
replace_user_priority is already defined.
It is not possible to set the connection branch index number because
the VLAN priority rewrite value is defined. Delete the VLAN priority
rewrite value in order to set the connection branch index number.
Can not set IPv4 IP_Address. IPv4 addresses cannot be specified in the range of list numbers from
40001 to 60000 in the flow filter. Specify the IPv4 addresses in the
range of list numbers from 1 to 20000.
Can not set IPv4 tos. Tos rewriting value cannot be specified in the entry of IPv6 flow
Can not set IPv6 class. Traffic class cannot be specified in the range of list numbers from 1
to 20000 in the flow filter. Specify the traffic class in the range of list
numbers from 40001 to 60000.
Can not set IPv6 IP_Address. IPv6 addresses cannot be specified in the range of list numbers from
1 to 20000 in the IP flow information. Specify the IPv6 addresses in
the range of list numbers from 40001 to 60000.
Can not set IPv6 option header protocol. The protocol numbers showing the IPv6 option headers (0, 43, 44,
50, 51,59, 60) cannot be specified in specifying the high-order
protocols. Specify the numbers for other protocols.
Can not set max_rate because max_rate is
smaller than min_rate.
The maximum band restriction cannot be set because the maximum
band restriction value is smaller than that of the minimum band
assurance. To set the maximum band restriction, specify a value
bigger than the minimum band assurance.
Table 5-8 Flow Information Error Messages (continued)