Filtering/QoS Information
GR2K-GA-0014 1-155
Ver. 07-02
This parameter specifies the interface name for the interface that sets QoS queue
circuits and protocols that the interfaces supports.
Default: None; only the displayed value is supported.
This parameter specifies the queue list name. (QoS queue attributes must be set
before this command is invoked.)
Default: None
Range of value: Character strings must begin with an alphabetic character
and contain no more than 14 characters.
Group numbers are set.
Default: No default is allowed.
Rangeofvalue: Thevaluesettingrangevariesdependingonthenumberof
physical lines that set the group band control in the same NIF.
Table 1-77 shows the relationship between the physical line
that sets the group band control in the same NIF and the
group number that can be set.
Table 1-76 Interface Names
Interface Circuits (Protocols)
<Line Name> OC-3c, OC-12c, OC-48c, serial (PPP), T3, E3, Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet
<DLCI Name> DLCI (Frame Relay [*1])
<Timeslot Name> BRI (PPP), PRI (PPP), J2 (PPP), T1 (PPP), E1 (PPP)
<Peer Name> ISDN
*1: Frame Relay circuits can be specified only by <DLCI Name>.
Table 1-77 Relationship Between the Physical Line That Sets the Group Band Control
in the Same NIF and the Group Number That Can Be Set
Physical line that sets the
Number of Groups
Physical line that sets the group band control in
the same NIF
One line All lines
Line number zero 1 - 16 (*1) 1 - 2
Line number other than zero -- (*1) 1 - 2
*1: If a group number greater than three is set, communication is possible only through line number