Operation Management Information
GR2K-GA-0014 4-11
Ver. 07-02
When using e-mail messages and log e-mail simultaneously, do not set more
than 1 entry for log e-mail destination address and 1 entry for SMTP server.
If defined with more than 1 entry, e-mail transmissions may be delayed
several minutes beyond the set time due to entry count and the load
conditions of the SMTP server used for log e-mail and e-mail messages.
Characters usable in e-mail addresses are limited to lower- and upper-case
alphabet, numerals, hyphen (-), dot (.) and "at" sign (@). Note that
underscoring cannot be used. In addition, the "@" sign cannot be used at the
beginning or end of the address and no more than 1 can be used per address.
The e-mail address length is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. All
characters beyond 255 are ignored if 256 or more characters are set.
4.2.3 logger-email-from (Log E-Mail Transmission Source Information)
Sets transmission source for output log information by e-mail. One entries can be
Input Format
To set information:
To delete information:
To show information:
Description: This parameter specifies the mail address of E-Mail
transmission source.
1. Setting of E-Mail transmission source information
The transmission source used during log E-Mail transmission is set to