Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
1-182 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
1. When using IP address pair switch, higher protocol port No, pair switch, or IP
address higher protocol No. interlock switch, pay attention to the followings:
To use source IP address and destination IP address by specifying the range, set
To use source higher protocol No. and destination higher protocol No. by
specifying the range, set not to overlap the ranges of source higher protocol No.
and destination higher protocol No.
When using by combining pair switches.
When combining IP address pair switch, higher protocol port No, pair switch, and
IP address higher protocol No. interlock switch, use them in the combination
shown in Tables 1-90 and 1-91. The setting values of an upper protocol port
number’s pair switch and IP address upper protocol number’sinterlockpair
switch are validated when 6(TCP) or 17(UDP) is defined in the upper protocol
number. The setting values of an upper protocol port number’spairswitchandIP
address upper protocol number’s interlock pair switch are invalidated when the
upper protocol number is undefined or when numbers other than 6(TCP) or
17(UDP) are defined in the upper protocol number.
Table 1-90 Combination of Pair Switch
No. Combination of Pair Switch Setting Processing
1 -Pair_synchronized_off -port_pair_off -ip_pair_off Available Checks the O‘ address and high-order
protocol port No. by not switching source
and destination.
2 -ip_pair Available The source and destination upper protocol
port numbers are checked without being
Checks the source IP address by both
cases of switching/not switching source and
3 -port_pair -ip_pair_off Available Checks the source high-order protocol No.
by both cases of switching/not switching
source and destination.
The source and destination IP addresses
are checked without being replaced.
4 -ip_pair Available
For the IP address and upper protocol port
number, the source and destination are
checked in both cases below.
• When they are not replaced
• When they are replaced
5 -pair_synchronized -port_pair_off -ip_pair_off Available For the IP address and upper protocol port
number, the source and destination are
checked in the cases below.
• When both of them are not replaced
• When both of them are replaced at the
same time.
6 -ip_pair Not
7 -port_pair -ip_pair_off Not
8 -ip_pair Not