
Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
1-220 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
Description: This parameter sets the IP address of a primary server.
Default: This parameter cannot be omitted.
Range of value: IPv4 address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn): to
Description: This parameter sets the port number of a primary server.
Default: 3101
Range of value: 0 to 65535 (decimal)
Description: This parameter sets the IP address of a backup server.
Default: This parameter is set to non-specification.
Range of value: IPv4 address (nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn): to
Description: This parameter sets the port number of a backup server.
Default: 3101
Range of value: 0 to 65535 (decimal)
Description: This parameter sets the server password (encryption key).
Set cops_password when setting this parameter.
Default: This parameter is set to non-specification.
Range of value: keyid: 1 to 2147483647 (7FFFFFFF)
A character string of a password exceeding one character and
not exceeding 64 characters is set using double quotation
marks (). Alphanumeric characters and special characters
can be entered. However, a character string can be entered
without using double quotation marks ()whennospecial
character (e.g., space) is contained in an entry character
However, notice that the characters below cannot be used.
(double quotation mark), { (beginning of brace), } (end of
brace), (single quotation mark), ; (semicolon), $ (dollar), and
(reverse single quotation mark). For more information, see
Table 1-102
Description: This parameter sets the COPS password (encryption key).
Set server_password when setting this parameter.
Default: This parameter is set to non-specification.
Range of value: keyid: 1 to 2147483647 (7FFFFFFF)
Set different values to five keyids, respectively.
A character string of a password exceeding one character and
not exceeding 64 characters is set using double quotation