Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-87
Ver. 07-02
secondary_label_switched_path: duplicate
pinning in ’<LSP name>’
This is a duplicated definition.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
secondary_label_switched_path: duplicate
retry_interval in ’<LSP name>’
This is a duplicated definition.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
explicit_route_name is mandatory in ’<LSP
explicit_route_name is not specified. The explicit_route_name for the
secondary_label_switched_path cannot be abbreviated.
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
secondary_label_switched_path: invalid
retry_interval value ’<Seconds>’ not in range
10 to 600 in ’<LSP name>’
retry_interval value is out of range. Specify a value within the range
of 10 to 600.
<Seconds>: retry_interval value
<LSP name>: Specified LSP name
topology_driven: duplicate default Default is a duplicated definition.
topology_driven: duplicate IP address in list at
IP address is a duplicated definition.
<Address>: Specified address
topology_driven: duplicate retry_interval This is a duplicated definition.
topology_driven: invalid retry_interval value
’<Seconds>’ not in range 10 to 600
The value for retry_interval is outside the range. Specify it with a
value between 10 and 600.
<Seconds>:retry_interval value
topology_driven: invalid IP address
IP address is a invalid.
<Address>: Specified address
Table 5-10 MPLS Information Error Messages [ROUTE-OS7] (continued)