
Configuration Error Messages
GR2K-GA-0014 5-29
Ver. 07-02
bgp4+:only one choice the gateway option or
the multihop option
Both gateway option and multihop option is defined. Define a
gateway option or multihop option.
bgp4+: only one choice the gateway option or
the set-nexthoppeer option
Both gateway option and multihop option is defined. Define a
gateway option or setnexthopper option.
bgp4+: only one choice the refresh option or
the refresh-128 option
Both refresh option and refresh-128 option is defined. Define a
refresh option or refresh-128 option.
bgp4+: out of range The parameter-specified range is exceeded in the input command
syntax. Numeric values of more than 4294967296 are contained.
Reconfirm a parameter.
bgp4+: permit-asloop may only be used with
external peers
The permit-asloop option is defined for other than external peers.
This option may only be used for external peers.
bgp4+: policygroup can be used in same
group type
The settings of confederation parameters in the policy group are
different. The settings of confederation parameters in the policy
group must be the same.
bgp4+: policy-group may only be used with
external groups
Policy group is specified by other than external peer. The group
cannot be used by other than external peer.
bgp4+: policy-group should be used in the
group declaration only
Policy group is specified by other than peer group. Specify the group
as peer group option.
bgp4+: remove-private-as may only be used
with external peers
The remove-private-as parameter is specified by other than the
external peer. Do not specify the parameter by using the other peer
than the external peer.
bgp4+: remove_private_as option must be the
same in the policy group
The settings of remove-private-as parameters in the policy group are
different. The settings of remove-private-as parameters in the policy
group must be the same.
bgp4+: routerid not specified:BGP4+ requires
Router ID is not defined. Specify the router ID.
bgp4+: setnexthoppeer option is not
supported this group type
The setnexthoppeer option is defined in other than the internal peer.
Do not specify the setnexthoppeer parameter in other than the
internal peer.
bgp4+: syntax error Syntax error
bgp4+: the BGP4+ local AS (<As1>) peer AS
(<As2>) must be same for internal peers
The As number in the internal peer is different from the AS number
for the own device. The AS numbers for the internal peer and routing
peer must be agreed with the AS number of the own device.
<As1>: memberAS number of local router
<As2>: AS number of the counterpart device.
bgp4+: the holdtime for BGP4+ group peers
(<Value>) is less than minimum permitted (3)
The hold timer value specified in a BGP4+ peer group is lower than
the permitted minimum value. Define the hold timer value by 0 or 3 or
<Value>: Specified hold timer
bgp4+: the holdtime for BGP4+ peer <IPv6
Prefix> (<Value>) is less than the minimum
permitted (3)
The hold timer value relative to the specified peer is smaller than the
allowed minimum value. Define the hold timer value by 0 or 3 or
<Value>: Specified hold timer
bgp4+: the lcladdr option should be used in
the group declaration only
An lcladdr parameter differs from that defined in a peer group.
Do not specify the different lcladdr parameter by using the internal
peer and routing peer.
bgp4+: the local as can not be used in
The Local-as option is defined for other than external peers. This
option may only be used for external peers.
bgp4+: the metricout option should be used in
the group declaration only
The metricout parameter is different from the one specified by the
peer group. Do not specify the different metricout parameter by using
the internal peer and routing peer.
bgp4+: the metricout option should be used in
the group declaration only in case of internal/
routing peers
The metricout parameter is different from the one specified by the
peer group. Do not specify the different metricout parameter by using
the internal peer and routing peer.
Table 5-5 Routing Protocol Error Messages (continued)