Operation Management Information
GR2K-GA-0014 4-39
Ver. 07-02
Table 4-5 List of Initial Value Items that Can Be Set Using line Information (WAN
OC-POS) and Initial Values during Initial Installation
Group Name
Information Name Initial Value
line Information
Selection of synchronized clocks in
Synchronized with the clock in a local router.
Multi-CRC length in oc3pos 16 (bits)
Selection of scramble disable/enable in
Disable (oc3pos_scramble_off)
Setting value of SONET overhead in
Refer to GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal
CLI) Vol. 1, Setting Contents of SONET Overhead for
the CF010000 (hexadecimal) value.
Selection of synchronized clocks in
Synchronized with the clock in a local router.
Multi-CRC length in oc12pos 16 (bits)
Selection of scramble disable/enable in
Disable (oc12pos_scramble_off)
Setting value of SONET overhead in
Refer to GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal
CLI) Vol. 1, Setting Contents of SONET Overhead for
the CF010000 (hexadecimal) value.
Selection of synchronized clocks in
Synchronized with the clock in a local router.
Multi-CRC length in oc48pos 16 (bits)
Selection of scramble disable/enable in
Disable (oc48pos_scramble_off)
Setting value of SONET overhead in
Refer to GR2000 Configuration Commands, (universal
CLI) Vol. 1, Setting Contents of SONET Overhead for
the CF010000 (hexadecimal) value.
Line operating mode in oc48POS Sonet
APS mode in oc48POS APS is not used. (oc48pos_aps_off)
APS return waiting time in oc48POS 300 (seconds)
APS protocol type in oc48POS JT-G783 Annex B (jt_g783_annex_b)
APS switchover direction in oc48POS Bidirectional switching (oc48pos_bidirectional)
APS return mode in oc48POS Non-return mode (oc48pos_non_revertive)
SD BER threshold value in oc48POS 6
SD BER threshold value in oc48POS 3