Hitachi Gigabit Router GR2000 Series Enhanced Version Configuration Commands, Vol. 2
5-52 GR2K-GA-0014
Ver. 07-02
5.6 Multicast Routing Protocol
Table 5-6 Multicast Router Control Information Error Messages
Message Contents
configuration check error Configuration definition check has failed.
dvmrp: can not locate tunnel on interface The interface defined by the DVMRP tunnel cannot be defined.
Specify the interface address other than the DVMRP tunnel.
dvmrp: can not set interface address at
The interface addresses specified in the dvmrp definition cannot be
set. Do not specify the following interfaces because they are not
supported in the multicast.
(1) Interface of RM Ethernet
(2) Interface of AUX(RS232C)
(3) Interface in which the IP interface type is broadcast type in other
than LAN/WAN (PPP).
(4) Shared address interface.
(5) Local loop-back interface
(6) Null interface.
(7) Router device address (device address set by using the config
router command).
(8) Tunnel interface.
<Address>: Specified interface address.
dvmrp: duplicate dvmrp clause dvmrp definition is duplicated.
Delete one definition.
dvmrp: duplicate interface address in list at
Interface address is duplicated in dvmrp definition. Specify not to
duplicate interface address.
<Address>: Specified interface address
dvmrp: Interface not found at <Address> Interface of specified interface address is not found.
Use a defined interface address.
<Address>: Specified interface address
dvmrp: invalid DVMRP metric value at
<Metric> not in range 1 to 32
The specified DVMRP metric value in dvmrp definition is invalid.
Specify within the range of 1 to 32.
<Metric>: Specified metric value
dvmrp: invalid inet mask length for interface
<address> not in range 8 to 32
The mask length of the interface defined for DVMRP exceeds the
permissible range. Set the mask length of the interface to 8 through
<Address>: Specified interface address
dvmrp: octet or hex string too long to be an IP
The specified IP address format is invalid.
Specify in correct dot format.
dvmrp: the total number of enable interfaces
is more than the maximum permitted (32)
The total number of defined and enabled interfaces exceeds the
permissible maximum number. Set to 32 or less the number DVMRP
tunnel definitions in dvmrptunnel plus the number of the addresses of
interfaces set to “enable” in dvmrp definitions.
dvmrp: the total number of enable virtual
interface is more than the maximum permitted
The total number of virtual interfaces exceeds the maximum
permissible number. Set to 32 or less the number DVMRP tunnel
definitions in dvmrptunnel plus the number of the addresses of
interfaces set to “enable” in igmp or dvmrp definitions.
dvmrp: the total number of interfaces is more
than the maximum permitted (32)
The total number of the DVMRP tunnels specified in the dvmrptunnel
definition has exceeded the maximum allowance. Specify the tunnels
so that the number of definition for the DVMRP tunnels in the
dvmrptunnel definition is 32 or less.
dvmrptunnel: duplicate dvmrptunnel clause In the dvmrptunnel definition is duplicated. Delete one definition.
dvmrptunnel: duplicate remote address:
<Remote address> PointToPoint
The remote address specified in dvmrptunnel definition is duplicated.
Specify not to duplicate remote address.
<Remote address>: Specified remote address