
Page 8 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13708 Connecting to a Micro-Controller via the Indirect Interface
X39A-G-020-01 Issue Date: 01/12/12
2 Interfacing to a Micro-Controller
2.1 The Indirect Interface
Although the S1D13708 directly supports various CPU interfaces, the Indirect Interface
allows micro-controllers that do not have a true CPU interface to use the S1D13708. In
addition to being flexible and easy to implement on a micro-computer, this interface gives
two other advantages.
Reduced bus signal count, since no address lines are needed. There are two Indirect
Interface modes, Mode 68 and Mode 80, both of which can handle 16-bit or 8-bit data
S1D13708 asynchronous operation from the CPU.
Using Indirect Mode 68, 8-bit data transfer, only 12 IO signals are required, four for control
and 8 for data. If 16-bit data transfers are required, an extra eight signals are needed for the
expanded data bus and one more control signal. The S1D13708 can be set to run in
asynchronous mode where the LCD controller runs independent of the CPU clock.
Indirect Mode 80 also allows 8-bit or 16-bit data transfers, but this mode requires one extra
control signal when configured for 16-bit data mode.