Page 68 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13708 Programming Notes and Examples
X39A-G-003-01 Issue Date: 01/11/20
ct to C
There are two means of accessing registers: pointers into register addressing space, or
through the indirect interface. The following register access functions will support both
types of access. However, the programmer must update the indirect interface functions
in the HAL library to support the given hardware implementation. These indirect inter-
face functions are all found in the file indirect.c in the HAL source code.
UInt8 halReadReg8(UInt32 Index)
Description: Reads and returns the contents of one byte of an S1D13708 register at the requested offset.
No S1D13708 registers are changed.
Parameters: Index 32 bit offset to the register to read. Index is zero-based from the beginning
of register address space.
Return Value: The value read from the register.
UInt16 halReadReg16(UInt32 Index)
Description: Reads and returns the contents of one word of an S1D13708 register at the requested off-
set. No S1D13708 register are changed.
Parameters: Index 32 bit offset to the register to read. Index is zero-based from the beginning
of register address space.
Return Value: The word value read from the register.
UInt16 halReadReg32(UInt32 Index)
Description: Reads and returns the dword value of an S1D13708 register at the requested offset. No
S1D13708 register are changed.
Parameters: Index 32 bit offset to the register to read. Index is zero-based from the beginning
of register address space.
Return Value: The dword value read from the register.
void halWriteReg8(UInt32 Index, UInt8 Value)
Description: Writes an 8 bit value to the register at the requested offset.
Parameters: Index 32 bit offset to the register to write. Index is zero-based from the beginning
of register address space.
Value The byte value to write to the register.
Return Value: Nothing.