
Epson Research and Development Page 17
Vancouver Design Center
13708CFG Configuration Program S1D13708
Issue Date: 01/11/16 X39A-B-001-01
VRTC/FPFRAME (lines) These settings allow fine tuning of the frame pulse
parameters. Refer to S1D13708 Hardware Functional
Specification, document number X39A-A-001-xx, for a
complete description of the FPFRAME pulse settings.
Start pos Specifies the delay (in lines) from the start of the
vertical non-display period to the leading edge of the
FPFRAME pulse.
Pulse width Specifies the pulse width (in lines) of the vertical sync
signal (FPFRAME).
Predefined Panels 13708CFG uses a file (panels.def) which contains
predefined settings for a number of LCD panels. If the
file panels.def is present in the same directory as
13708cfg.exe, the predefined panels are available in the
drop-down list. If a panel is selected from the list,
13708CFG loads the settings contained in the file.