Hobart ML-29032 Scale User Manual

Quantum Scale System
6 - 7 Weigh Types (Modes of Operation)
From a Flashkey Screen, PRESS [HELP] to access the On
Screen Library.
Production Entry
This mode enables you to enter several fixed weight PLU’s
and the number of labels you want to print for each. For
example, Production Entry allows you to print 100 bread
labels and 50 cupcake labels with one operation.
You may want to setup your scale to stream labels (print
labels without removing the backing paper from the label).
Refer to Streaming Die-Cut Labels, for information on loading
labels to stream.
Processing Fixed Weight
PLU’s Only
From the Start a Run Screen:
1. Enter your Operator ID
2. Enter the PLU Number
3. TYPE No. of Labels
4. PRESS []
5. Enter the PLU Number
6. TYPE No. of Labels
7. Repeat Steps 5 & 6 as
For Fixed Weight PLU’s only:
1. Enter your Operator ID (if required).
2. Enter the PLU number (Select Flashkey, Type PLU
number or select from the On Screen Library).
3. TYPE the number of labels required in the Enter Label
Count block.
4. PRESS the UP ARROW () key to move to the Product
Number block.
5. Enter the next PLU number (Select Flashkey, Type PLU
number or select from the On Screen Library).
6. TYPE the number of labels required in the Enter Label
Count block.
7. Repeat Steps 4 - 6 as needed.
8. When the last PLU has been entered, PRESS [PRINT] to
begin the label run.
9. At the end of the run, the scale automatically returns to
the Start a Run Screen.