Reference Manual
00809-0100-4027, Rev AA
December 2005
Rosemount 4500
Alarm Level Verification If the transmitter electronics board, Transmitter, or LCD display is repaired or
replaced, verify the transmitter alarm level before returning the transmitter to
service. This feature is also useful in testing the reaction of the control system
to a transmitter in an alarm state. To verify the transmitter alarm values,
perform a loop test and set the transmitter output to the alarm value (see
Tables 3-1 and 3-2 on page 3-12, and “Loop Test” on page 3-19).
Process Alerts Process alerts allow the user to configure the transmitter to output a HART
message when the configured data point is exceeded. Process alerts can be
set for pressure, temperature, or both. A process alert will be transmitted
continuously if the pressure or temperature set points are exceeded and the
alert mode is ON. An alert will be displayed on a HART Communicator, AMS
status screen or in the error section of the LCD display. The alert will reset
once the value returns within range.
HI alert value must be higher than the LO alert value. Both alert values must
be within the pressure or temperature sensor limits.
HART Communicator
To configure the process alerts with a HART Communicator, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the HOME screen, follow the fast key sequence for “Process
2. Select 3, “Config Press Alert” to configure the pressure alert.
Select 4, “Config Temp Alert” to configure the temperature alerts.
3. Use the right arrow key to configure the HI and LO alert values.
4. Use the left arrow to move back to the process alert menu.
Select 1, “Press Alert Mode” to turn on the pressure alert mode.
Select 2, “Temp Alert Mode” to turn on the temperature alert mode.
Right click on the device and select “Configuration Properties” from the menu
1. In the “Analog Output” tab, locate the “Configuration Pressure Alerts”
box, enter “Press Hi Alert Val” and “Press Lo Alert Val” to configure the
pressure alerts.
2. Configure “Press Alert Mode” to “ON” or “OFF” using the drop down
3. In the “Configuration Temperature Alerts” box, enter “Temp Hi Alert Val”
and “Temp Lo Alert Val” to configure the temperature alerts.
4. Configure “Temp Alert Mode” to “ON” or “OFF” using the drop down
menu and click Apply.
5. An “Apply Parameter Modification” screen appears, enter desired
information and click OK.
6. After carefully reading the warning provided, select OK.
Fast Keys
1, 4, 3, 5