Appendix 57
10.7 Clearing Locked-Up Scale (888888 Error)
Several configuration errors can result in the scale locking up with a display that shows all 888888s. These errors
include the following:
• If no force balance is connected to the DC-190, SPEC 8, bit 3, must be set to 0 (0xxx).
• If a force balance is attached, SPEC 8, bit 3 must be set to 1 (1xxx) and SPEC 9, bit 2 (force balance
type), must be set to 1 (x1xx, Ohaus Explorer).
• If no printer is attached to the DC-190, SPEC 10, bit 3, must be set to 0 (0xxx).
• SPEC 16 and SPEC 17 must assign a different location for each scale, whether it is present or not. These
bits must be configured to show scale assignments for
Internal Scale 1, Internal Scale 2, External Scale,
and Force Balance. See example below.
The following configuration for SPECs 16 and 17 contains duplicate entries for both Internal Scale 1
and External Scale.
Do NOT set SPECs 16 and 17 to a configuration such as that shown below: a
lockup condition will result if this configuration is selected.
Should the DC-190 become locked up in all 888888s as a result of invalid specification settings, an authorized
service technician can perform the following procedure:
1. Unplug scale from AC outlet.
2. Press and hold the
3 and 9 keys while plugging AC cord into outlet.
3. The display shows
S-on. Release the 3 and 9 keys.
4. Press and hold
REZERO key while keying access code 141 (display will show SPC00). Use the + key to
advance to the incorrect SPEC and edit its value.
5. When done, press the
* key to store the new values, then press the MODE key to return to weighing
SPEC Setting Bits 2 and 3 Bits 0 and 1
16 0010 Scale 1
00: Internal Scale 1
Scale 2
10: External scale
17 1000
Scale 3
10: External scale
Scale 4
00: Internal Scale 1