18 DC-190 Ultra Count Installation Manual
4.2 Customer Specification (141 Settings)
To configure customer specifications, press and hold the REZERO key and enter 141 using the numeric keypad.
SPC00 appears in the WEIGHT display and configuration of four bits (for SPEC 0) appears in QUANTITY display.
Follow the procedure described in Section 4.1 on page 17 to update the SPEC settings for the 141 access code.
SPEC Default Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0000 Transfer Tare Weight
0: No (hold tare)
1: Yes (transfer tare)
Tare Accumulation
0: No (overwrite tare)
1: Yes (add to existing
Terminator (RS-232 only)
0: Carriage return
1: Carriage return +
Piece Weight Selection
0: Unit wt per 1000
1: Average piece wt
1 0000 Power Auto Off Function: Function used to preserve and extend battery life. All four bits are used to
specify the number of minutes (binary) before the scale enters autopower off mode.Examples below show
the binary code, time delay, and description. Settings can range from 0–15 minutes in 1-minute
Binary Code
Time (min) Description
0000 0 Autopower off is disabled.
0111 7 If net weight is zero and no motion for 7 minutes, scale goes into autopower off mode.
1111 15 If net weight is zero and no motion for 15 minutes, scale goes into autopower off mode.
NOTE: Powering down means that accumulated value is lost and not retained upon power up. However,
all total inventory values stored with item codes are retained.
2 1000 Scale Specification
00: Gram (no units switching) 01: Kg
10: Lb 11: Not used
NOTE: Values 01 and 10 allow Lb/Kg units
switching if SPEC 2, bit 1 is set 0.
Kg/Lb Lamp Enable
0: Yes
1: No
Inventory Display by Net/
Gross Key
0: No (Net/Gross toggle)
1: Yes (INVENT key
shows inventory quantity)
3 0000 RS-232 Port Commands (D-sub)
00: Standard RS-232 (PC, force balance)
01: TM-U295 ticket printer
10: TM-U200 (with or without cutter)
11: TM-U200 (with feed for tear-off)
Print Commands (8-pin DIN)
00: BCP-30 (barcode printer, force balance)
01: TM-U295 ticket printer
10: TM-U200 (with or without cutter)
11: TM-U200 (with feed for tear-off)
4 1001 Set New Item Code
During Normal Mode
0: Yes
1: No
Insufficient Sample Level
00: 0.1%
01: 0.2%
10: 0.0%
Negative Counting
0: No
1: Yes
5 1011 Sampling Time for Unit
Weight Calculations
0: 10 times
1: 5 times
Unit Weight
0: Press PIECES key
after adding number of
1: Scale automatically
recomputes after
adding number of
pieces without pressing
Date Order
00: Year, Month, Day
01: Day, Month, Year
11: Month, Day, Year
6 1001 Display Accuracy of
Unit Weight
0: No
1: Yes
Clear Key Operation
0: Clear all data
1: Clear last character
RS-232 Continue
Sending Rate to PC
0: High
1: Low
Auto Shift to Next
Character After Two Digits
of Teraoka Code Entry
0: No (requires
+ key)
1: Yes
Table 4-1. DC-190 141 Settings