56 DC-190 Ultra Count Installation Manual
10.6 DC-190 Messages
Message Contents
ACC Accuracy
---Add XX Sampling quantity is insufficient
ALL All memory
C XX Number of items in memory
CH XXX Checking item code
ALL CLEAr Clear memory
dFt SPC Default spec
EntEr tIñE Enter time from 0000 to 2400
EntEr y-ñ-d Enter year, month, and day
Fb CoñErr Force balance communication error
Frl Friday
FULL Memory full
InVEnt Inventory
Lo-Err Span is out of range (on the low side)
Lot-no Lot number
ñon Monday
ñon-SUn 0-6 Mon=0, Tue=1, Wed=2, Thu=3, Fri=4, Sat=5, Sun=6
not F Item not found
OF Overflow
P-nAñE Part name
P-no Part number
PrESS CodE Calibration mode: Press code key to auto find zero number
ProG Programming mode
P-SP Item setpoint
rS232 CoñErr RS232 communication error (PC/printer)
S-on Span switch is ON
Sat Saturday
SEt P Setpoint
SEt X Setpoint number
SPCXX Specification number
SUn Sunday
TArE Tare
tArE oFF LoAd Tare is not allowed because weight is greater than zero
t-C XX XX-XX Teraoka Code I Character Position I Character Code Character - Character
THU Thursday
TotAL XXXXXXX Accumulation or subtraction operation
TUE Tuesday
UF Underflow
Unit u
Unit weight
UP-Err Span out of range (on the high side)
VEr X.XX Version number
ED Wednesday
Table 10-15. DC-190 Messages