Configuration Settings 19
7 0000 Setpoint Buzzer
0: Yes
1: No
Setpoint Latch
0: Latching
1: Non-latching
Setpoint Type
00: % Quantity 01: % Weight
10: Quantity 11: Weight
NOTE: See Section 3.2.2 on page 16 for more information about configuring SPECs 8–11
8 0010 Force Balance
0: No
1: Yes
RS-232C Data Length
0: 7 bits
1: 8 bits
RS-232C Baud Rate
00: 1200 01: 2400
10: 4800 11: 9600
9 0111 RS-232C Stop Bits
0: 1 bit
1: 2 bits
Force Balance Type
0: Not used
1: Ohaus Explorer
RS-232C Parity Bit
00: No 01: Odd
10: Not used 11: Even
10 0111 Printer or PC Attached
0: No
1: Yes
RS-232C Data Length
0:7 bits
1: 8 bits
RS-232C Baud Rate
00: 1200 01: 2400
10: 4800 11: 9600
11 0100 RS-232C Stop Bits
0: 1 bit
1: 2 bits
Printer Driver
0: Eltron printer driver
or comma-delimited
1: BCP30, BCP-300,
or Epson printer
RS-232 Parity Bit
00: No 01: Odd
10: Not used 11: Even
12 1000 RS-232 (PC/PRN) Output
00: Not available
01: When counting condition (PC)
10: By
* key (printer and PC)
11: In both cases
Eltron Format
0: Eltron fixed label
format (also for
BCP30, BCP300)
1: Custom download
RS-232C PC Data Sent
with Header Codes
0: Yes
1: No
NOTE: See Section 3.2.1 on page 15 for more information about configuring SPEC 13
13 0001 RS-232 PC Header
0: Header codes
1: Field titles
RS-232 Connectors
If only one RS-232 device (printer or PC) is connected to the scale, select one of
the four settings below:
000: Force Balance (SPEC 8, 9 Printer (SPEC 10, 11)
001: Printer (SPEC 10, 11) Force Balance (SPEC 8, 9)
100: Force Balance (SPEC 8, 9 PC (SPEC 10, 11)
101: PC (SPEC 10, 11) Force Balance (SPEC 8, 9)
If two RS-232 devices (printer and PC) are connected to the scale, select one of
the two settings below:
010: PC (SPEC 8, 9) Printer (SPEC 10, 11)
011: Printer (SPEC 10, 11 PC (SPEC 8, 9)
NOTE: See Section 10.10 on page 60 for PSC QuickScan 6000 scanner setup information (SPECs 14 and 15).
14 1010 RS-232C Connection
(Barcode pen)
0: No
1: Yes
RS-232C Data Length
(Barcode pen)
0: 7 Bits
1: 8 Bits
RS-232C Baud Rate (Barcode pen)
00: 1200 01: 2400
10: 4800 11: 9600
SPEC Default Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Table 4-1. DC-190 141 Settings (Continued)