AMX RE-DM6 Light Therapy Device User Manual

AMX RADIA Lighting Programming
RE-DM4 and RE-DM6 RADIA Eclipse Dimmer Modules
Set Default Level Time
This function sets the time taken for a level to change from its current level to a new level when using a level
Set Default Preset Time
This function sets the time taken for a preset recall to ramp when no time is specified to override this default
Set Default Ramp Time
This function sets the default ramp rate for ramping strings, command, and channels (e.g. 'U', 'D', 'PU', 'PD').
The specified ramp rate is the time required to ramp from 0 to 100%.
Ramp to Level
This function ramps the specified dimmer(s) to the specified level over the optionally specifiable time.
Undefine Dimmer (NEW)
This function "undefines" the specified dimmer so that it will not be included in the next saved preset.
This allows a preset to affect a subset of the dimmers rather than all of them.
Set Default Level Time
Command: LT<time>
Response: None
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'LT3' Set default level ramp time to 3 seconds.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'LT0' Set default level ramp time to 0 seconds (instantaneous).
Set Default Preset Time
Command: PT<time>
Response: None
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'PT4' Set default preset ramp time to 4 seconds.
Set Default Ramp Time
Command: RT<time>
Response: None
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'RT5' Set ramp time to 5 seconds
A ramp time of zero (0) is invalid.
Ramp To Level
Command: P<dimmer>L<level>T[<time>]
Response: None
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'P2L88' Ramp dimmer 2 to 88% at the default level rate.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'P1-4&6L100' Ramp 1-4, and 6 to 100% at the default level rate.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'P6L50T5' Ramp dimmer 6 to 50% over 5 seconds.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'PAL0' Ramp all dimmers to 0% at the default ramp rate.
Undefine Dimmer
Command: UN<dimmer>
Response: None
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'UN1' Set dimmer 1 to undefined level.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'UN2-4' Set dimmers 2-4 to undefined level.
SEND_COMMAND Radia,'UNA' Set all dimmers to undefined level.