AMX RE-DM6 Light Therapy Device User Manual

Radia Lighting System Configuration Pages
RE-DM4 and RE-DM6 RADIA Eclipse Dimmer Modules
To modify an existing preset:
1. In the Device Configuration page, scroll down to the preset to be modified.
2. For more information on the preset, click the Info button for the preset. This opens a new information box
with the preset’s dimmer and level information.
When finished, close the box.
3. In the Label field, change the preset’s label if necessary.
4. Select the Preset Time by either moving the slidebar or entering the preset time (1-255) in the field to the
right of the slidebar.
If you enter a preset time number higher than 255, the slidebar will move to the "Max" position.
5. To configure the preset, click the preset’s Configure button to open the Preset Configuration page
(FIG. 33).
When finished, click the Accept button at the bottom of the page and return to the Device Configuration
To return to the Device Configuration page without saving any changes, click the Cancel button.
FIG. 32 Presets section