AMX RE-DM6 Light Therapy Device User Manual

Radia Lighting System Configuration Pages
RE-DM4 and RE-DM6 RADIA Eclipse Dimmer Modules
Main Lighting System Page
Clicking on the AMX Radia RE-DM4,Radia RE-DM6 - 41001:1:0 link opens the Radia Configuration
Manager page (FIG. 30).
This page displays basic system status information and options for navigating to and configuring a particular
component. The information provided includes:
the lighting area Label
the component AxLink Address
the virtual address used
the device or preset model
the component status
the Configure button for each device to be configured.
FIG. 30 Radia Configuration Manager
The Global Presets listing is a special type of lighting component, since it is always
declared Online and has no AxLink Address associated with that entry.