AMX RADIA Lighting Programming
RE-DM4 and RE-DM6 RADIA Eclipse Dimmer Modules
The channels are defined as follows:
The Radia supports a large number of strings, which can be used to allow interaction with a person using a
terminal. These strings remain primarily to facilitate backward compatibility for other AMX lighting
Conventions used in this protocol section of the document:
All string responses are preceded with a single byte 12 ($0C in HEX or ASCII character '?') and
followed by a carriage return (13 or hex $0D), line feed (10 or hex $0A), and a question mark '?' (63
or hex $3F).
All invalid strings will generate the error string 'ERROR! PLEASE RE-ENTER' followed by the
BEL character (7), carriage return (13 or hex $0D), line feed (10 or hex $0A), and a question mark
'?' (63 or hex $3F).
AMX Lighting Channel Commands
Channel # Function Channel # Function
Status of presets, indicates active preset 139 Ramp channel 5 down
129 Ramp channel 1 up 140 Ramp channel 6 down
130 Ramp channel 2 up 141 Ramp all 60 channels up
131 Ramp channel 3 up 142 Ramp all 60 channels down
132 Ramp channel 4 up 143 Turn all 60 channel on
133 Ramp channel 5 up 144 Turn all 60 channels off
134 Ramp channel 6 up 145 Ramp active preset up
135 Ramp channel 1 down 146 Ramp active preset down
136 Ramp channel 2 down 147 Status of dry closure 1
137 Ramp channel 3 down 148 Status of dry closure 2
138 Ramp channel 4 down 155 All levels 'Undefined'
Protocol Conventions
Symbol Function Values
ASCII Carriage Return character 13 ($0D)
<curve> Value for Curve 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,N,O,R
<closure> Value for Dry Closure 1-2
<level> Value for Dimmer Level (in %) 0-100
<dimmer> Value for Dimmer Number 1-6 or A for all. Can include a range of dimmers or ranges of
dimmers unless noted otherwise. For example:
• “1-3” indicates dimmers 1 through 3 inclusive.
• “1-3&5-6” indicates dimmers 1 through 3 and 5 through 6,
• “A” indicates ALL dimmers.
<pack> Pack Number 1
<preset> Value for preset number 1-128
<time> Time value for fade (in seconds) 0-255
In contrast with previous versions of Radia dimmers, Radia Eclipse dimmers accept
both upper- and lower-case strings