Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S/2200S Software User’s Guide
The notifier utility is named slightly differently depending on
which operating system you are using. For all versions of Microsoft
Windows the utility is named notify.exe, while for Novell
NetWare it is named notify.nlm, and for all Linux and Unix
variants it is named anotifyd.
All versions of the utility support the -c switch. This switch runs
the notifier in a configuration mode that leads you through the
steps necessary to configure the system event log and e-mail
In addition to -c, the Microsoft Windows version of the notifier
supports the switches in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 Switches
-c Starts the notifier in configuration mode.
-? Lists the switches supported by the notifier.
-i Install - installs the notifier service. The notifier is
installed by default. If the service has been
uninstalled for any reason, this switch will install the
service and set it to start automatically from the next
-u Uninstall - removes the notifier service.
-v Version - lists the version number of the notifier
-s Start - starts the notifier service.
UG.book Page 30 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM