Adaptec Storage Manager-Browser Edition
User Interface Options
Click Options to modify the behavior of some aspects of the
Adaptec Storage Manager user interface. Changes take place
immediately when you make a new selection in one of the drop-
down lists.
You can make changes in the following areas:
■ Second-Level Arrays—The default is to hide second-level
arrays in the Logical Devices view. You can choose to display
second-level arrays.
■ Background Update Frequency—This option controls how
frequently Adaptec Storage Manager polls the web server to get
updated configuration information. The default is 30 seconds.
Other choices are 15 seconds, 1 minute, and 5 minutes.
■ Highlight on Mouseover—As you move the cursor around the
Adaptec Storage Manager screen, you may notice that an amber
box surrounds the controller, channel, device, or array.
This highlight is enabled by default and can be disabled by
selecting No in the drop-down list for Highlight on mouseover.
■ Popup Tool Tips—As you move the mouse cursor around the
screen, you may notice that if you position the cursor over a
device or button a popup tool tip appears. For buttons, the tips
contain helpful information about the function of the button,
although for devices they display additional information.
Tool tips are enabled by default and appear after a brief delay.
You can opt to either disable the tool tips or to have them pop
up immediately.
Close the window by clicking the X in the top right corner.
UG.book Page 19 Saturday, October 26, 2002 12:08 PM